SkyQuest in testing phase at Indianapolis Zoo

The Indianapolis Zoo has opened the world renowned Simon Skjodt International Orangutan Center.  This exhibit is giving us a never before seen experience with orangutans that is much more like seeing orangutans in their natural environment.  As part of this exhibit the zoo has installed the Skyline so that guests will have an eye level view of these climbing creatures.  The Skyline is the Chance Rides SkyQuest aerial people mover and Indianapolis Zoo will have the first one.  The 4-passenger open air gondolas travel at heights of up to 60 feet in the air around 1200 feet of track, allowing guests to take in the entire Orangutan Center as well as the surrounding area.  Watch this video for a preview of the experience.  The exhibit is open now and the Skyline is scheduled to be open to the public by July 4th.


New C.P. Huntington Train Delight Zoo Guests

This summer guests at the Little Rock Zoo in Little Rock, Arkansas will have the opportunity to experience the zoo aboard a shiny new C.P. Huntington Train.  The C.P. Huntington train is the flagship item for Chance Rides and they are still as popular today as they were more than 53 years ago.  Each new C.P. Huntington is customized to the needs of our customers.
Little Rock Zoo CP Huntington

At the Little Rock Zoo guests are being treated to an upgraded experience as the old train and tracks were replaced.
Read here about the inaugural weekend for Arkansas’s Diamond Express.

New From Chance Rides

At Chance Rides we are working hard to bring more new items to the market in 2014.  We delivered our first new Freestyle in August and look forward to producing a few more in the coming months.


Freestyle Ride, Ray Cammack Shows

The completely new SkyQuest will begin delivery soon so that it will be ready for guests in early 2014.  The Indianapolis Zoo has developed a completely new habitat concept for their orangutans and Chance Rides is honored to be a part of this ground breaking effort.


Also, new for 2014 is the latest in thrilling roller coasters from Chance Rides, the HyperGT-X.  You’ll feel the thrill from this coaster as you experience the 79 degree 1st drop and 4G force pullout.  This compact coaster design provides all the tummy tickling excitement your guests are after as it finishes with a series of camel backs that lift you off your seat.

Hyper GT-X Coaster

Chance Rides Hyper GT-X Rendering

And last but certainly not least we have the introduction of the R80 XL II Observation Wheel.  At over 250 ft tall this wheel is a modern marvel.  The wheel accommodates 54 (8) passenger or 27 (16) passenger gondolas that are climate controlled and feature two-way communication.  There are many seating configurations available to ensure that you can give your guests the experience you prefer.  There is even an option to include VIP luxury cabins for a truly special experience.

r80 large cabins

R80 XL II Puebla, Mexico

Stay tuned as we get closer on each of these projects and more for the 2014 season.  And let us know what we can start working on for you.