See what is NEW at Chance Rides

Welcome to the new  We are making it easier for you to find the amusement ride, coaster and people mover information that you need. You can also subscribe to our newsletter and our blog to make sure that you are getting the latest information from Chance Rides.

In addition to our website update we have added a web store for our replacement parts.  You can find this under the services menu.  Or you can bookmark  We are working to build the store offering one product at a time.  Currently you can find replacement parts for Zippers and C.P. Huntington trains.

At Chance Rides our philosophy is, “If we can help our customers be successful then we will be successful.”  We welcome any feedback you might have to help us bring you greater success.

As we begin our preparations for IAAPA Expo 2017, I am very excited about the new things we have to show you this year.  For the first time in several years we will have a ride experience right inside our booth.  You’ll be able to board the Unicoaster 2.0 seat and experience the user-controlled rotation.  The original Unicoaster was originally introduced in 2010 with our first ride installed at Belmont Park in San Diego, CA in 2011.  We have now taken the Unicoaster outside the circle, with the same rider-controlled design you can now treat guests to the experience of a looping coaster.  This amusement ride is perfect for catering to thrill seekers of all levels.  If the guest is more into a mild thrill they can remain upright traveling the course, while the more dramatic thrill seekers can flip and flop throughout the entire ride.

Unicoaster 2.0

In addition to the Unicoaster 2.0 we will again have a beautiful C.P. Huntington Locomotive in our booth, however, this is no ordinary C.P. Huntington.  Our latest model is fully battery powered.  The new technology involved with operating the classic C.P. Huntington on battery power will significantly reduce the required maintenance that is typically associated with a combustion engine.  Not to mention showing your guests that you care about the environment, as our Electric C.P. Huntington Locomotive has zero emissions of harmful gasses. The show model is currently being tested at our facility to prove that it will sustain all day operation at your venue.  Stop by booth #5124 to see the locomotive and let us share all that we’ve learned from the test runs.

Electric C.P. HuntingtonChance Rides also has some guest passes available for IAAPA Expo 2017.  If you still need a pass for the show please contact Lisa Hargrove at  We look forward to seeing you there!





Zipper Transformation – Post 11

YOU KNOW IT’S GOING TO BE A GOOD DAY WHEN YOU HEAR  – “Calling all riders, all riders to final assembly!!”

That’s right, the latest Zipper rebuild was completed this week and the employees at Chance Rides got to be a part of the final test runs before it left the factory.  Below are a few photos of the last few steps and some from the first riders.  Look for this new Zipper to be on the Midway at the New York State Fair August 25th – September 5th.

Zipper BoomZipper Seat AssemblyZipper SeatZipper SignZipper SignZipper Lights

Zipper Transformation – Post 10

Zipper Ride Z
Give me a Z!  Does anyone see a Zipper happening here?

We are getting closer and closer to putting all the final pieces back together on the Zipper.  Very soon we will have riders trying out this new ride.  Take a look at a few of the progress shots below.


Zipper Ride Seat Assortment Zipper Ride Seat Assortment Zipper Ride Trailer Zipper Ride Tower Zipper Ride Boom Zipper Ride Manufacturing

Zipper Transformation – Post 9

More Paint = More Progress

That’s right, we have one rebuilt Zipper that just left our factory over the weekend to meet its owners in California so the next in line is moving closer still to completion.
Zipper Ride Trailer

This is the trailer being prepared for paint

Zipper Boom

Waiting in final assembly is the main body of the Zipper


And here our skilled employees work on the detail elements that complete every Zipper.

Zipper PaintZipper Sign



Zipper Sign Electrical


Zipper Transformation – Post 8


The process of making a ride like new again requires a lot of breaking it down to its most basic parts. Each of those parts are cleaned and inspected to ensure that they are in perfect condition.  Once all of that takes place the process of putting the ride back together begins but that can’t happen until it receives a new fresh coat of paint.
Zipper Paint Booth
It already looks like new production to me.  In the coming weeks we should see a lot more of the reconstruction process beginning to happen.

Zipper Tower Yard

Zipper Transformation – Post 7


You can’t very well have a Zipper ride without a Zipper seat.  This is the new production part of the Zipper transformation and I must admit, its really exciting to see it coming together.  I’m thinking we’ll be having some employee rides before too very long.  🙂
Zipper Seat Zipper Seat









And let me just assure you we have some hard working and skilled employees that are making these new rides a possibility.  These images are a great example of some of the American Manufacturing that makes us so proud.

You can see that progress looks small on the Zipper frame but it is all coming along just as it should.

Zipper Zipper








Keep checking in with me as the Zipper comes to life.

Zipper Transformation – Post 6

Now Begins the Manufacturing

Last week the boom came off and our Zipper was down to its bare level of construction.  This week we are already starting to see the progress of reconstruction.
Zipper Skeleton

Zipper Skeleton

The steel was sand blasted and stripped and now they will begin to reassemble the working components.
Zipper Seat

I wonder what this is going to be?

Stay tuned, much more to come!

Zipper Transformation – Post 5

And The Boom Comes Off …

A major step in the dis-assembly process has taken place this week as the main boom of the Zipper was removed.  Using our overhead cranes the boom is lifted straight off of the trailer.
Zipper Refurb
Zipper RefurbZipper Refurb
Zipper Trailer

Now we are left with what looks like just an ordinary trailer.  We know better than that.

Zipper Scenery

The scenery panels are also being disassembled to prepare for rebuilding.

Zipper Transformation – Post 4

Look At All Those Parts

The Zipper parts are beginning to pile up in the yard.  Who knew it took so many small parts to produce the thrilling Zipper ride.
Zipper Parts Zipper Parts Zipper Parts Zipper Parts Zipper Parts


Anyone want to guess what these are going to be?
Zipper Seat
Keep checking in to watch as this Zipper enters the next generation of carnival thrill rides from Chance Rides!!

Zipper Transformation – Post 3

Break It Down To Build It Up

The Zipper is still in the process of being disassembled completely so that every component gets touched and restored.  The photos below show some of the “guts” that have been removed since last week.

Zipper Parts

Zipper PartsZipper Parts


Zipper Hydraulics

Hydraulic Skid

Zipper Hydraulics

Hydraulic Skid

Here is a look at the operator control stand, its like getting a look at the magic wand. 🙂

Zipper Controls Zipper Controls








And here is what the Zipper looks like in it’s current state, beginning to look a little naked.



Stay tuned as the magic happens.  More to come next week!